Protect Your Teeth and Gums Health (Ⅱ)

Use dental water flosser 


Dentalflosser is a good way to remove dental plaque.

It is necessary to usedentalwater flosser every day to remove plaque and food residue that the toothbrush cannot reach.

The area directly below the gum line and the narrow space between the teeth are vulnerable areas where plaque can accumulate and become tartar.

If you don't usedentalwater flosser frequently, the accumulation of plaque and tartar can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Foods and drinks to avoid

The intake of sugar and candies should be limited; this is because the bacteria in the mouth need sugar to produce acid, which weakens tooth enamel and damages teeth. Every time a tooth comes into contact with sugar, the demineralization process begins, and it may take up to an hour for the oral cavity to return to its normal, non-acidic pH condition.

Specific as far as possible to avoid

soda water


candies and sugary snacks



As we all know, fast food contains sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates:


breakfast cereal

Studies have shown that eating starchy staple foods and fresh fruits is associated with lower levels of dental caries, so the risk is not as high as sugar.

Eating a variety of nutritious foods and avoiding foods containing sugar and starch is important to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Food and drink to be consumed with caution

Crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears, celery, and carrots, are suitable for eating between meals, because chewing activities increase the production of saliva, and saliva helps protect teeth.

Water should be consumed in large quantities, and any soft drinks or fruit drinks (dietary and regular) should be consumed with caution.

Most soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium. Juice can also bathe teeth in harmful sugars. Drinking these beverages through a straw can help reduce the time your teeth are exposed to acid.

Chewing sugar-free gum for 10 minutes after meals and snacks can also help reduce tooth decay.
